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Explorers & Settlers

Sale price $75.00 Regular price $90.00
Explorers & Settlers
Explorers & Settlers
Explorers & Settlers
Explorers & Settlers
Explorers & Settlers
Explorers & Settlers
Explorers & Settlers
Explorers & Settlers
Explorers & Settlers
Explorers & Settlers
Explorers & Settlers
Explorers & Settlers
Explorers & Settlers
Explorers & Settlers
Explorers & Settlers
Explorers & Settlers
Explorers & Settlers
Explorers & Settlers

GO TOGETHER: EXPLORERS & SETTLERS is a story-based, activity-rich, and play-full adventure for the whole family! It is an amazing journey of exploration, discovery, and wonder as you delve into the lives of those who explored North America and then the brave families who initially settled in this “new world.” You will be covering a historical period that extends from the Vikings down to the French and Indian War and colonial life on the east coast.

You will experience their ups and downs, their victories and their failures as you see God’s providence along the way. You can point your children to the Lord and how He works in and through us despite our weaknesses and failures. History truly is HIS story.

At the end of this learning adventure you will celebrate with a colonial day party as you cap off and showcase everything you've learned. It is celebrations like that that leave lasting memories that your children will take long into their adulthood. Enjoy the adventure together with your children.

EXPLORERS & SETTLERS is an easy-to-implement curriculum based on living books, movement-rich activities, and a profound understanding of the providence of God.

  • Comprehensive: covers history, geography, literature, science, writing assignments; everything but spelling/grammar and math
  • Literature-heavy: over a hundred previewed and high-quality book recommendations
  • Movement-rich: not coloring sheets, not a lot of messy crafts, not expensive materials. Simple ways to let your children move and solidify understanding and long-term learning.
  • Easy-to-use: daily lesson plans, 4 days per week, with the fourth day being a long or co-op day
  • Multilevel: enables you to teach all your children under age 12 together
  • Bible-based: recognizes God’s providence in our history, even in flawed individuals

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