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The GO GLOBAL Starter Kit contains everything you need to get started!
- Go Global Curriculum (A movement-rich, literature heavy 1 year curriculum for your 5-8 year old kids and their younger siblings. Includes a special resource page with links to craft, dancing, and language tutorials, carefully curated online resources, etc...)
- Go GLOBAL Game (A "twister-like" game used throughout the curriculum to master continents, oceans and playful solidify geographic awareness as it relates to historical events.)
- Beginner's World Atlas (5th Edition of the National Geographic Atlas that is used throughout the curriculum. It is a beautiful resource that you will use all year long!)
- Australia Concentration game (A digital downloadable game that solidifies things learned during your exploration of the continent of Australia.)
- Penguin Bingo game (A digital downloadable game used in your exploration of Antarctica!)
With these resources, your library card, and a few basic crafting supplies you are set to embark on this GO GLOBAL Learning Adventure with your kids!